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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Sanderson Farms Adel Hatchery Site, Cook County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., completed an archeological survey of a ca. 35 ac tract of land just south of Adel on which a proposed agricultural processing facility is to be constructed. The company proposing to construct the facility, Sanderson Farms, Inc. engaged Nutter and Associates, Inc. to conduct an environmental assessment of the tract, one facet of which was a survey for significant archeological resources. This report presents the results of that survey, which was conducted from May 10 through 12, 2004. The goals of the survey were to locate, delineate, describe and evaluate archeological sites in the project tract. At the time of our survey, most of the tract was an old field covered in grasses and weeds. The northwest corner was composed of low lying wetlands unsuitable for habitation and an area of fill. We consulted the Georgia Archaeological Site Files and various archival and cartographic sources to determine if any known or suspected sites were recorded for the project area. None were. We then visually inspected the entire tract for evidence of sites and excavated about 136 shovel tests in transects across the upland portion of the tract to recover artifacts indicative of buried sites.

No archeological sites were discovered. We did recover two isolated chert flakes that were treated as artifact occurrences. These isolated artifacts are not considered sites. It is our conclusion that the tract contains no archeological sites and thus presents no impediments to development.