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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the US 41/ SR 3 Bridge Replacement over Peavine Creek, Catoosa County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In September 2019, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB), Inc. completed a Phase I archaeological resources survey in support of the Georgia Department of Transportation's (GDOT proposed bridge replacement along United States Highway (US) 41 / State Route (SR) 3 Over Peavine Creek, in Catoosa County, Georgia. Project Pl No. 0015538 is a part of GDOT's statewide bridge replacement effort and proposes to replace the existing US 41/SR 3 bridge (Bridge ID #047-0014-0) built in 1955 with one that meets current design and safety specifications. The project is located approximately 3.7 miles (mi) (6 kilometers [km]) east of the city of Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia. The US 41/SR 3 corridor is functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial and not a part of the National Truck Network. The existing typical section along the proposed US 41/SR 3 corridor consists of two 12-foot (ft) (3.65 meter [m]) travel lanes with approximately 1.5-to-2-ft (0.5-0.6 m) asphalt shoulders and a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour (mph). The existing steel and concrete bridge structure measures 33.4 ft (10.2 m) in width (gutter to gutter) and approximately 264 ft (80.7 m) in length, and consists of two 13.5-ft (4.1 m) travel lanes and approximately 2-ft (0.6 m) curb/shoulders. During construction of the proposed bridge, traffic is anticipated to be maintained on-site via a temporary detour bridge. The existing right-of-way (ROW) along this section of US 41/SR 3 was not known at the time of the current survey.

Since the project is in a· preliminary concept phase, the Area of Potential Effects (APE) was defined as the total length and width of the Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB). For the purposes of the current survey, the ESB was considered the limits of the survey area for the Phase I archaeological survey. The ESB encompasses approximately 30.8 acres (12.5 hectares) in total. As the limits of the ESB cover all possible design alternatives, no Expanded Survey Corridor (ESC) is required.

Prior to the start of fieldwork, background research revealed that no previous archaeological surveys or sites have been conducted or identified within a one-kilometer (km) radius of the ESB. The section of the existing US 41/SR 3 roadway within the ESB is the historic alignment of both the Old Federal Road, and the Trail of Tears. Additionally, a portion of the ESB is located within the National Park Service (NPS) defined study area of the Ringgold Gap Battlefield, a skirmish between Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War.

Due to the location of the ESB within known historically sensitive areas, shovel testing conducted during the field survey was augmented by metal detection along transects. A total of 181 shovel tests were excavated within the ESB, 177 of which were negative for cultural material. Twenty-three planned shovel tests were located within areas containing existing structures and paved surfaces; these shovel tests could not be reasonably offset and were recorded "No Dig". Four positive shovel tests and metal detection resulted in the recovery of eight historic iron, ceramic, and glass artifacts. These artifacts represent five Isolated Finds (IFs). Pedestrian survey below the existing US 41/SR 3 bridge identified a concrete block debris scatter and two precast concrete piers on the banks and within Peavine Creek. The piers and debris were collectively recorded as Site 9CT143.