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Archaeological Assessment of Mt. Enon Church Cemetery, Blanchard Woods Park

Report Number
Year of Publication

I am reporting herein on my activities yesterday to better define the above-referenced cemetery. As you know, I visited the cemetery on February 12, 2007 and used a 3 ft long probe to detect about 25 to 30 graves in a squarish area that was about 80 by 90 ft. I reported on this initial investigation in a letter to you dated March 7, 2007, which also contained a sketch map of the cemetery that I had prepared. At our April 20, 2007 meeting with representatives of Mt. Enon Baptist Church it was agreed that the cemetery would be avoided and protected. I said at that meeting that I needed to return to the cemetery to conduct more comprehensive probing to confirm the boundaries I had delineated in February. In ensuing discussions I said it would be helpful to speak with anyone who has a memory of the cemetery (which reportedly was last used in the 1920s), and towards that end, several elders of Mt. Enon Church met with Paul Scarbary, Luther James and me yesterday at the cemetery. However, none of the church representatives had a memory of the cemetery.