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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Dickey Road Improvements, Jenkins County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archeological survey was conducted by Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., Athens, Georgia of 4.4 km (2. 75 mi) of proposed expanded right-of-way for Dickey Road in Jenkins County, Georgia. The county proposes to pave, and thus slightly widen the road. The proposed rightof- way will be 24.4 m (80 ft), and is mostly centered on the existing road, but shifts from one side to the other, mainly to reduce the arc of some curves. Our survey recorded five archeological sites, two archeological occurrences and a cemetery. Two sites are late nineteenth through early to middle twentieth century house sites, two are low density prehistoric lithic scatters and one is a combination of the two. The two occurrences are isolated prehistoric artifacts. None of these cultural resources are recommended as eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Brinson Rock Baptist Church cemetery, at the south end of the project area, was known to project planners, who designed the project to avoid affecting it. We examined the cemetery and conducted limited probing to ensure that current project design does not affect any graves. It does not. Because the cemetery lies outside of the project area, we did not record it as an archeological site. The proposed improvement of Dickey Road from a dirt road to a two-lane paved road will not adversely affect significant archeological sites. We recommend that the project be given clearance to proceed.