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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Interstate Center III Tract

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between December 28, 2020 and January 11, 2021 and on May 6, 2021, Brockington and Associates, Inc. (Brockington) conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed development at the Interstate Center III Tract in Bryan County, Georgia. The proposed project consists of industrial development that will include the construction of several new buildings, roads, and utilities. The investigation consisted of an archaeological survey of the 287-acre project tract and an architectural survey of the project tract and its immediate surrounding viewshed. The goal of our investigation was to identify all cultural resources located within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) boundaries and provide a definitive National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) evaluation for each resource. This investigation was carried out for the Bryan County Development Authority on behalf of Resource and Land Consultants, in partial fulfilment of guidelines established for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

Background research conducted on Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographic Information System (GNAHRGIS) along with previous reports revealed no previously recorded archaeological sites or historic resources within the archaeological APE. Only one previously recorded archaeological site (9BN501) has been recorded within a 1.0-kilometer (km) (0.62-mile) radius of the project tract. This previously recorded archaeological site is not eligible for the NRHP and is located outside of the project APE. Therefore, no previously recorded cultural resources will be impacted by the proposed project.

Brockington’s archaeological field survey included systematic visual examination and 30-meter (m)-interval shovel test excavations within the project tract. The historic architectural resource field survey involved driving and walking the project APE, with pedestrian inspection of all potentially historic resources. Our investigation identified one archaeological site (9BN1627). Site 9BN1627 is a mid- to late-twentieth-century scatter of artifacts that consists of three artifacts recovered along the ground surface of a fallow farm field. Site 9BN1627 is not eligible for the NRHP. No NRHP-eligible resources will be impacted by the proposed project, and further cultural resources management considerations are not warranted.