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Stallings Punctated


Defined by James B. Griffin in the 1940s. Known for a long time from the Stallings Island site and the 1920s excavations by the Cosgroves that was reported by William Claflin. Antonio Waring used the name Stallings Island Punctate, but the type name without the word Island is the preferred one at the present.

Sorting Criteria

Punctations on fiber-tempered pottery. Two different means of decorative punctations applications can be observed on this pottery. One is linear punctations, these punctations were applied by a drag and jab technique. The tool used to make the punctates remains in contact with the pottery surface between punctations, being dragged backward at about a forty-five degree angle form one punctate to the next. Punctates are usually contiguous or overlap the punctates that precede and follow it. Punctation lines are usually arranged in rows that encircle the vessel parallel to the lip. The other technique is individual punctations. These punctates are made separately and are spaced out, though usually arranged in rows. The impressions vary from hemispherical depressions, circular depressions with conical bases, hemiconical, semicircular, fingernail punctates or hollow cylinder punctates. Vessel form is a bowl shape. Rims slant outward usually, however at the Stallings Island site are found straight rims which slant inward. Lips are most commonly narrowed or rounded. They are rarely flattened.

Geographical Range
Anything along the Fall Line and into the Coastal Plain. On the Atlantic Coast from South Carolina west to St. Simons Island. Up the Savannah River into the Piedmont.
Chronological Range
Late Archaic.
Surface Treatment
Pottery Image(s)
three ceramic fragments two are rims, punctuated holes make designed