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An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Gypsum Settling Pond for American Cyanamid Company, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report concerns the archaeological survey of an area chosen as the site of a proposed gypsum settling pond for American Cyanamid Company. The survey area is located on the southern edge of Fort Jackson bordering the city of Savannah, Georgia. Located adjacent to the Savannah River, the entire survey area encompasses approximately 66 acres (Map The survey was undertaken because of the presence of important archaeological sites in the general vicinity of the project (Map 1). Although a previous survey (Anderson n.d.) of part of the project area suggested that no archaeological materials were present, only minimal visual inspection of the area was carried out. For this reason, a more intensive search for archaeological sites was believed to be warranted. The field survey took place between January 6 and 12, 1978. man/day was spent checking historical records and eight man/days conducting subsurface testing of the area. Dr. Paul Fish served as the Principal Investigator, James Rudolph was the Field Director, and the author was the Field Assistant. I would like to thank Scott and Frances Smith, curators of Fort Jackson, and the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, for access to historical information on the area. The remainder of this report will discuss the environment of the survey area, prehistoric habitation in the vicinity, and the survey methods and results.