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An Archaeological Historical Survey of a Portion of Georgia Military District

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report describes the results of an archaeological survey and literature search for two small parcels of land in Camden County, Georgia. Work was conducted under a contract between the Laboratory of Anthropology at the University of. Florida and Davis and Sons Construction Company of Gainesville, Florida.

The literature search and field survey of the western parcel occurred September 14 and 15, 1981, while the adjacent eastern parcel was surveyed October 12. The purpose of the survey was to determine the presence and significance of any archaeological or historical resources which might be found within the two adjacent parcels. The survey area lies about 3.2 km. northeast of Kingsland, Georgia, within Georgia Military District Number 1606 (Figure I). Topographically, the northern boundary of the survey area lies adjacent to the Crooked River floodplain. The southern boundary is the Colerain-St. Marys Road. The western portion (Parcel 2) is a pine plantation, exhibiting no environmental variation, while the eastern portion (Parcel l) is a farm field allowed to return to a pine forest. Given the agrcicultural history of these parcels and a lack of environmental diversity, the method chosen for survey consisted of shovel tests along measured transects. Greater detail on methods is presented below.