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Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey Proposed Georgia Kraft Mill

Report Number
Year of Publication

The objective of this project was to conduct an archaeological reconnaissance survey on the proposed site of a Georgia Kraft Mill near Elberton in Elbert County, Georgia (Figure 1).

The study tract consists of approximately 1850 acre  bounded on the west by Little Dove Creek and on the east by Dove Creek (Figure 2). Research and field investigations were initiated following authorization from the J. E. Sirrine Company dated November 13, 1980. Fieldwork was conducted from December 8 through 12. 1980 under the direction of R. S. Webb with the technical assistance of E. W. Webb.

The project included a literature and records search to determine the nature and extent of known historical and archaeological resources in the project vicinity. This research took place at the state site files and university library at the University of Georgia in Athens. and the Georgia State Archives in Atlanta. No historic or prehistoric site were discovered during these literary efforts. As stipulated in the RFP. the performance of the archaeological reconnaissance survey required that a 25 percent, random, non-aligned, stratified sample be drawn to insure adequate coverage of the project area. A complete discussion of the sampling strategy is presented in Chapter V.

After drawing the sample (13-40 acre units) each unit (quadrat) was intensively surveyed utilizing pedestrian controlled surface collecting and subsurface shovel testing techniques. In addition. all standing structures recorded on the USGS topographic map and located during the survey were recorded. Those structures with temporal depth (more than 50 years old) were photographed and assessed. Five prehistoric sites, two historic site, 21 standing structures, and 11 isolated finds were discovered as a result of these endeavors. Survey results and recommendations are more completely discussed in Chapters II and VII.