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Archaeological Testing at 9Cam171h and 9Cam188, Kings Bay, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Phase II testing was conducted by the Jeffrey L. Brown Institute of Archaeology at two sites at Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in August of 1984. The North End of the Kings Bay Site, 9Cam171h, which is located on the eastern margin of the mainland just north of Etowah Park and south of Cherry Point, was studied to evaluate effects of proposed expansion of the adjacent edge of the adjacent recreational area. The Davis Farm site, which lies on the eastern side of Point Peter at the southern edge of the Base, was studied to assess the effects of a proposed radar installation. 9Cam171h was tested using systematic unaligned sample of 30 stratigraphic tests 1x2 m in extent. Study of the ceramic, lithic, and faunal, materials collected revealed that a significant amount and variety of information on the St. Simons, Transitional, and Deptford periods is present in this site. Preservation is recommended. In the event that preservation is not possible, data recovery research addressing specific aspects of the Late Archaic-to-Woodland period shift should be carried out. 9Cam188 was tested using a series of 3-m wide motor grader trenches running east-west across the site. These trenches removed a heavy mantle of plow disturbed shell midden and exposed the underlying features which intrude into the subsoil. The first three cuts revealed such a large number of structural and subsistence features that it was possible to complete excavation of only a little over half of the exposure. Data from the these trenches demonstrates the presence of St. Simons, Deptford, Swift Creek, Wilmington, Savannah, and St. Johns II components. Well-preserved, datable subsistence features are also present. Except for the earliest, all components are associated with structural and/or subsistence features. Some areas of the trenches exhibit feature clusters which are probably part of interpretable domestic structures. Significant information about site-level settlement patterns and about subsistence patterns is preserved at Davis Farm. Preliminary results of this study confirmed the National Register eligibility of the site and demonstrated that a very large scale data collection program would be necessary to mitigate the anticipated adverse impacts of radar installation construction. The Navy elected to move the radar installation. Preservation of the Davis Farm Site is recommended.