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Archeological Testing of the Little Tarver Site, 9Jo198, Jones County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archeological testing of the Little Tarver Site, 9J0198, was undertaken to determine if the site is a significant resource, eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Construction of a raw water intake and pipelines for the new Town Creek water treatment plant site will affect the site, and it appears that avoidance is not possible. The Little Tarver Site was discovered in a previous survey, and concentrations of historic Creek Indian artifacts and prehistoric lithic artifacts were reported. Archeological testing involved the excavation of 77 shovel tests and five 1 x 2 m units. Testing established that the site contains Early Archaic, Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, Late Woodland, Mississippian, and Historic Creek components. Archaic and historic Creek artifacts dominate the collections. A probable post mold was recorded in one of the test pits, leading to the conclusion that sub-plow zone features and structural remains are present. The site is judged to have good research potential and is therefore recommended eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Archeological data recovery should be implemented because avoidance is not possible during construction.