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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Hogansville Stream Mitigation Bank, Troup County, Georgia

Report Number
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R.S. Webb & Associates (RSWA) conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of a 5-acre [640 meters by 30 meters (2,100 feet by 100 feet)] portion of the proposed Hogansville stream mitigation bank in Troup County, Georgia, on September 24, 2007. The project tract is located west of Ralls Road, approximately 1.5 kilometers north of Hogansville. The study was conducted for Wetland Ecological Consultants, LLC and Mitigation Resource Group to locate and identify cultural resources within the project corridor, and to assess resource significance based on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria [36CFR Part 60.4 (a-d)]. The Phase I cultural resources survey included a literature review and intensive field survey. During the literature review, state and county records, maps, and documents were examined to determine if previously recorded archeological sites or historic structures are located in or around the project area. The archeological field survey was conducted using surface and subsurface techniques to locate and identify archeological resources within the study area. The project's area of potential effects was surveyed for standing architecture. Review of maps at the Georgia Archeological Site File found that no previously recorded archeological sites are located inside the project boundaries, or within 300 meters of the project area. Examination of the NRHP and historic structure files at the Georgia Historic Preservation Division found that no NRHP-listed or state recognized properties are located within the project boundaries. No archeological sites, historic structures, or isolated artifact finds were recorded as a result of this survey. Construction of the proposed 640-meters long by 30-meters wide portion of the Hogansville stream mitigation bank will have no effect on cultural resources eligible or potentially eligible for listing on the NRHP. No additional cultural resources investigations are recommended for this project and clearance is recommended for the undertaking.