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Addendum to a Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the Proposed State Road 96 Improvements, Peach and Houston County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation is proposing widening and improvements to SR 96 and SR 247 in Houston County, Georgia. The proposed improvements would widen SR 96 from a two-lane facility to a four-lane, divided facility from approximately 0.4 miles east of the 1-75/SR96 interchange to just east of US I29/SR247. The current survey focused on the area .4 miles west of Old Perry Road and north of SR 96. This area is being suggested as a northern alternative to the intially proposed widening and would result in a partial cloverleaf interchange at SR247. This new alignment section is a new design that would avoid a stream impact which would have lead to an individual permit. The shortening of the project is for logical termini purposes created by the new design. The area of potential effects defined for this project includes the existing right of way along SR 96 and SR 247 and those properties on or immediately adjacent to the roadway. This includes a roughly 200 foot wide corridor extending from .4 miles west of Old Pent' Road running eastward toward SR 247. This is a distance of approximately 4,000 feet. Discussion of the overall boundary imprint and the possible effects to the area: Possible effects to the area include any visual, audible, and atmospheric effects which the roadway improvements and subsequent maintenance may have on existing historic properties or archaeological sites. The survey area's APE was expanded outside the existing right-of-way of SR 96 and SR 247 to the back limits of the adjacent property lines, so as to include any potential historic properties.