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A Curtail Resources Survey of a Proposed 11 Acre Wastewater Treatment Plant in Dawson County, Georgia

Report Number
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An intensive cultural resources survey was conducted at the site of a proposed 11 acre wastewater treatment site in southern Dawson County, Georgia. The project area is at the west end of the Big Savannah, a wide floodplain of the Etowah River, an area documented to contain historic Cherokee settlements and prehistoric archeological sites. Forty shovel tests were excavated within the 11 acre tract. One multicomponent archeological site, 9DW111, was documented in the eastern portion of the tract. It consists of a low density prehistoric artifact scatter a late nineteenth - early twentieth century house site. The house has collapsed in place. Due to the low research potential of both components, 9DW111 is recommended as ineligible to the National Register of Historic Places. Construction of the wastewater treatment plant will not adversely affect any significant cultural resources.