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Archeological Surveys of Surplus Properties in the Gold Branch, Palisades, and Powers Ferry Units & Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Entrance Road Alignments in the Island Ford Unit Chattahoochee River

Report Number
Year of Publication

In order to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of managing park resources and providing visitor protection and services, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area is considering three plots of land for divestiture. These plots, judged as not supporting the park mission or objectives, are portions of the Gold Branch (33.198 ha), Palisades (10.12 ha), and Powers Ferry (5.6 ha) Units. An archeological survey conducted during April 23-27, 1985, revealed that no significant cultural resources existed in those portions of the Powers Ferry or Palisades Units considered as surplus to the park's needs. In the Gold Branch Unit, Site NPS-57 had undergone substantial erosion and loss of integrity. However, the affected area contained three tiers of stone-lined terraces and a circular stone feature which represent more than standard soil erosion structures to protect a spring. Unless they are determined to lack historical significance, they should be retained by the National Park Service.