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Archaeological Remote Sensing Survey of the Proposed Brunswick Harbor Bar Channel Widening Area, Beach Renourishment Area and Groin Field Construction

Report Number
Year of Publication

During February and September 1991, a cultural resource investigation was conducted for the proposed Brunswick Harbor Bar Channel Widening Project. Two separate areas were investigated, the Channel Widening area and a proposed groin construction site on St. Simons Island Beach. A marine remote-sensing survey was conducted in the Channel Widening Area utilizing a magnetometer, a sidescan sonar and a recording fathometer. The proposed groin field was surveyed visually and magnetically. Eleven remote-sensing targets found during the survey of the Channel Widening area are recommended for diver investigation in order to identify and archaeologically assess their sources prior to dredging. Five magnetic anomalies were discovered in the proposed groin field. One of the anomalies may be associated with an early nineteenth-century house which was previously investigated by archaeologists and it is recommended that the anomaly be avoided by groin construction activities.