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Cultural Resources Survey of Historic Cemeteries, Allatoona Lake, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archival and field investigations were conducted by Brockington and Associates in June, 1995 to identify, locate, and map all historic period cemeteries in the Mobile District, Army Corps of Engineers lands at Allatoona Lake, Georgia. The research investigations consisted of several phases. Initial research consisted of extensive historic background review (including informant interviews) to identify all cemeteries existing on government owned lands. The investigations identified 16 historic cemeteries within the project area. Once identified, additional archival exploration was conducted to develop an historical context for the Allatoona Lake cemeteries. Known and indicated cemeteries were visited by a field crew to ascertain their existence and position, delineate boundaries, map grave locations, and record historic information. Another phase of the project was to conduct archaeological testing at the Floyd Cemetery (9BR258). The more intensive evaluation at Floyd Cemetery (consisting primarily of controlled heavy machinery scraping) was designed to ascertain its history, size, and boundary limits. It was determined that the scraping was the most sure and inexpensive method for determining the spatial limits of burials at the cemetery. In addition, soil samples were taken from exposed burial fill shafts to submit for an experimental dating technique, oxidizable carbon ratio (OCR) dating. The archaeological testing showed that Floyd Cemetery consists of only a few individuals. Extensive excavations into grave shafts were not undertaken, and no graves were exhumed.