From October 1995 through July 1996, cultural resources surveys were conducted on some 1,919 acres of the Oconee National Forest in Greene, Jasper, Jones, and Putnam Counties, Georgia, which lie east of Georgia highway 11. The survey was conducted prior to timber harvesting and road construction activities in Compartments 125, 130, 134, 137, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 155 and 159 on the "East 11 Thinning Project". Forty-eight new archaeological sites were identified. One site, GA081643, is considered eligible to the National Register of Historic Places, twenty-one sites are considered potentially eligible (GA081611, GA081617, GA081621, GA081622, GA081623, GA081624, GA081625, GA081627, GA081629, GA081631, GA081632, GA081633, GA081638, GA081639, GA081640, GA081642, GA081644, GA081648, GA081649, GA081652, GA081664) and twenty-six sites are considered not eligible to the National Register of Historic Places (GA081612, GA081613, GA081614, GA081615, GA081616, GA081618, GA081626, GA081630, GA081634, GA081641, GA081645, GA081646, GA081647, GA081650, GA081651, GA081653, GA081654, GA081655, GA081656, GA081657, GA081658, GA081659, GA081660, GA081661, GA081662, GA081663). ln addition, eleven ineligible isolated finds were recorded. The twenty-two eligible and potentially eligible sites will be protected in place by avoidance. The project will have no effect on the eligible and potentially eligible sites in the project area.