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Phase I Archaeological Survey of 31.5 Acres for the Proposed Sterling Cove Subdivision, Bryan County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

TRC conducted a Phase I archaeological survey prior to the construction of the proposed Sterling Cove subdivision in Bryan County, Georgia. The property is located near the confluence of the Ogeechee River and Sterling Creek, less than 3 miles southeast of Richmond Hill, Georgia. Approximately 31.5 acres were investigated, including 27.2 acres of undeveloped land and 4.3 developed acres. Most of the property is either disturbed or composed of hydric soils. The archaeological survey identified no archaeological sites. One isolated find was discovered during shovel testing, but this find does not represent a significant archaeological resource. No cultural resources eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) will be affected by the proposed undertaking. Cultural resources clearance to construct is recommended.