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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to Interstate Highways I-20 and I-520, Columbia and Richmond Counties, Georgia and Aiken County, South Carolina

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation is proposing to add travel lanes, reconfigure several interchanges and make other improvements to a 9.8 km length of Interstate Highway 1-520 and a 14.0 km length of Interstate Highway 1-20 north and west of Augusta. Virtually all proposed improvements occur within disturbed portions of existing rights-of-way. A few narrow strips of new right-of-way (generally less than 5 m wide) and undisturbed portions of the existing right-of way were considered the area of potential effect for the project. This limited area of potential effect was archeologically surveyed on August 31, 1999. No previous sites had been recorded in the project area, and no historic structures were shown on early maps of the area. Our field survey determined that no archeological sites exist within the proposed area of potential effect. In regard to archeological resources, we conclude that the proposed undertaking will have no affect on archeological resources and that no further work need be done.