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Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery Excavatons at Bulloch Hall (9Fu255), Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In March and May 1998, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted archaeological testing and data recovery excavations in specific areas at Bulloch Hall (9FU255), Fulton County, Georgia. Other excavations completed by volunteers during the last two years are also described in this report. These excavations were conducted in anticipation of interpretive reconstructions on the grounds of Bulloch Hall, which is now a house museum. The reconstructions consist of a five hole privy, a dogtrot slave house, and a well shelter. Since ground disturbance was necessary to erect these structures, the archaeological investigations were completed to salvage data as well as to provide interpretive information on the lifeways of the former residents of Bulloch Hall. In December 1999, we conducted limited excavations in the center of the boxwood garden at Bulloch Hall. These excavations were conducted in preparation for construction of a summer house in this area. A circa 1861 letter from Lucy Elliott to Martha Bulloch documents the existence of a summer house on the grounds of Bullock Hall at that time. Excavations revealed no subsurface archaeological features, and clearance was granted for construction of the summer house.