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Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey and Inventory of the proposed Southern Natural Gas Company 30 in O.D. South Main 2nd Loop Line Expansion, Crawford and Monroe Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between September 4 and 13, 1996, R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., performed a Phase I cultural resources survey and inventory of the proposed 7.4 km (4.6 mi.) Southern Natural Gas Company 30 in O.D. South Main 2°d Loop Line Expansion pipeline corridor. The proposed pipeline will originate at approximate Mile Post 358.105 in Crawford County, Georgia, and will terminate at approximate Mile Post 362.705 in Monroe County, Georgia; it will loop a pair of extant Southern Natural Gas Company pipelines. Survey and inventory was conducted completely within the proposed project right-of-way and the existing pipeline corridor. In addition, each associated access road, expanded workspace, and contractor warehouse facility was examined for cultural resources. Fieldwork included pedestrian survey, visual reconnaissance, and/or shovel testing along transects spaced 15 to 30 m (49.2 to 98.4 ft) apart. Additional shovel tests were excavated within the beds of proposed access roads wherever a potential to contain cultural material was perceived and/or visibility was poor. A total of eight cultural resources loci were identified as a result of this inventory. These consisted of three prehistoric loci, four historic loci, and one multicomponent locus. A total of six loci (B-1, F-1, F2, AR2-3, AR2A-1, and AR4-1) were characterized as isolated finds; the two remaining loci (AR2-1 and AR2-2) warranted archeological site status and were assigned State of Georgia site numbers 9M0518 and 9CD60, respectively. Each of these cultural loci was assessed as not significant applying the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation (36 CFR 60.4 [a-d]); no additional testing of the project corridor or of the recorded sites/loci is recommended.