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Archaeological Survey at Fort McPherson, Fort Gillem, and the U.S. Army Recreation Area, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project areas are located in northwest Georgia in Clayton, Fulton, and Bartow Counties, within the confines of Fort McPherson, Fort Gillem, and the U.S. Army Recreation Area (FORSCOM) situated on Lake Allatoona. The objective of this survey was to identify and assess, according to National Register of Historic Places criteria, any archaeological sites within the project area for the compliance of the Directorate of Installation Support (DIS) with the National Historic Preservation Act (Public Law 89-665, as amended by Public Law 96-515) Guidelines for Federal Agency Responsibilities, under Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Army Regulation AR 200-4, and 36 CFR 800 (Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties). A review of the Georgia Site File revealed the presence of one previously-recorded site within the project area, Camp Jesup, which is located on Fort McPherson. A systematic, professional archaeological survey was conducted per the Scope of Work issued by the National Park Service. Garrow and Associates, Inc. previously identified areas of high and low potential for archaeological and historic site occurrence as part of a Historic Preservation Plan prepared for all three bases (Garrow & Associates 1996). They were identified using environmental variables known to be associated with prehistoric and early historic sites in the region. The survey method was geared for the possibility of locating habitation sites that would have been situated in zones of high probability. In addition to this, the methodology took into account the possibility of early settler habitation sites. The fieldwork proceeded in two weeks of testing, which occurred during October 1998. The testing occurred in multiple sections within each base location. The first phase of each survey involved shovel testing of all high probability zones within each base. The second phase consisted of a pedestrian survey of all low probability zones on each installation. A total of four archaeological sites were identified during this investigation. Based on this survey, it is the professional opinion of Janus Research that only one site, FORSCOM I (8BR888), is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. It is also the opinion of Janus Research that the three other sites, FORSCOM II (9BR889), FORSCOM III (9BR890) and McPherson I (9FU335), do not possess sufficient integrity or qualities necessary for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.