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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Inventory of the Proposed Etowah LNG Company, L.L.C. Non-Jurisdictional 24 in O.D. Etowah-Mars Hill Road Pipeline, Polk, Paulding, and Cobb Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of Phase I cultural resources survey and inventory of the proposed Etowah LNG Company, L.L.C. Non-Jurisdictional 24 in O.D. Etowah Mars Hill Road Pipeline Project in Polk, Paulding and Cobb counties, Georgia. Fieldwork for this project was conducted between February and March 1998 on behalf of Etowah LNG Company, L.L.C., by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. The currently proposed project right-of-way consists of approximately 27.03 km (16.80 mi) of posed pipeline right-of-way. The proposed pipeline originates at the to-be-constructed Etowah/AGL Meter Station, located within the boundary of the proposed Etowah LNG Company, L.L.C. Peakshaving Facility, in eastern Polk County, and it terminates at Mars Hill Road in western Cobb County. All undisturbed portions of the project corridor were inventoried for cultural resources; this included both pedestrian survey and systematic subsurface testing. This Phase I survey and inventory was designed to identify and to assess preliminarily all cultural resourcessituated within and immediately adjacent to the proposed right-of-way corridor. This project was undertaken in accordance with the procedures outlined in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974; the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, as amended; and Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 60-66 and 800, as appropriate. Survey and excavation efforts followed the standards set forth in Archaeology and Historic Preservation: The Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines. As a result of this Phase I survey, a total of 23 cultural resources loci were identified; sixteen of these 23 loci constituted newly recorded archeological sites. These sites were assigned official Georgia state site numbers 9P071-9P073, 9PA103-9PA114, and 9C0534. During survey, 21 of the 23 cultural resources loci (7 loci [3-04, 3-05, 4-01, 5-01, 8-01, 13-01, 18-01] and 14 archeological sites [9P071-73, 9PA103, 9PA1059PA114]) were assessed as not significant or else this investigation produced no evidence of potentially significant cultural deposits within the area of potential effect (APE). As a result, no additional testing is recommended at these 21 cultural resources loci. However, additional testing or avoidance is recommended for Sites 9PA104 and 9C0534. Both of these sites may possess the qualities of significance as defined by the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation (36 CFR 60.4 [a-d]). Finally, those portions of the right-of-way located between MP 5.971- 6.585, MP 10.033 -10.983, MP 13.165 13.782, MP 14.213 - 14.708 and MP 15.734 15.878and MP 15.734 and 15.878, i.e., approximately 4.523 km (2.81 m), could not be surveyed since access to these areas was denied. Once permission to survey these properties is granted, the results of that Phase I survey will be compiled and presented in a subsequent supplemental report.