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An Archeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to Mayfield Road and Providence Road Intersection Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On June 6, 2000 an archeological survey was conducted within the area of potential effect for a reconfiguration of the existing intersection of Mayfield Road and Providence Road, in north Fulton County. The two-laned roads meet at an angled intersection, and this will be altered to produce a right-angle intersection. The area of potential effect essentially consists of a 66 m (200 ft) length of new location right-of-way for Providence Road that crosses a grassy vacant lot, although a narrow corridor of additional right-of-way will be needed on the north side of Mayfield Road. A known historical property south of the intersection is being avoided. The survey confirmed that the most of the proposed improvements are within the existing rights-of-way for Mayfield Road, which has been greatly modified by urbanization and landscaping. Archival research showed that no archeological or house sites occurred in the project area. Field inspection and shovel testing failed to recover any evidence of prehistoric or historic sites in the project area. Shovel testing revealed that most of the project area has been graded to subsoil. No archeological sites exist within the proposed project's boundaries. Therefore, construction will not adversely impact any significant cultural resources and the project should be allowed to proceed.