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Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Equestrian Trail and Campground at Watson Mill State Park

Report Number
Year of Publication

On January 9,2001, a pedestrian survey within Watson Mill State Park was completed. The request was made by Parks and Historic Sites Division of the Department of Natural Resources to determine the archaeological significance of land chosen for development of a proposed campground and horse trail. The proposed project is on land area acquired by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources in 1995.

The campground and trailhead are located in the Northern most part of the park just west of Watson Mill Park Road (see map). The proposed campground area is adjacent to (and west of) a gravel parking lot and bordered on the north by two outbuildings. The campground area is approximately 110m x 65m, and is located in a lightly wooded (pines and cedars), relatively flat area. The proposed trail is also located in a lightly wooded area and is 2 miles in length. The trail keeps a distance of about 20 meters from Beaver Creek for much of the beginning portion. It soon winds its way away from the creek and generally follows along the contour of gently sloping hills. A small portion runs through the floodplain as the trail crosses Beaver Creek, but quickly rises up the next slope until it reaches its terminus at an existing horse trail.