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An Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to Hardscrabble Road and Chaffin Road Intersection, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On January 10, 2001 an archeological survey was conducted within the area of potential effect for a proposed reconstruction of the existing intersection of Hardscrabble Road and Chaffin Road, in north Fulton County. The project consists mainly of adding turning lanes to the two laned Hardscrabble Road at the two points where Chaffin Road intersects it. All of the proposed construction will occur within the existing 30 m (100 ft) right-of-way, and virtually all will occur within existing cut and fill areas. The area of potential effect consists of a 2 to 3 m wide strip of undisturbed right-of-way along limited portions of the 670 m (2,200 ft) long project area. The survey confirmed that most of the proposed improvements are within the existing cut and fill lines of Hardscrabble Road, and required no field survey. Exposed ground surfaces were examined and one shovel test was excavated. Archival research had shown that two historic (50 years old) houses might lie adjacent to the project area. One of these houses was razed in the late 1970s and was replaced with an old house that was moved in. The other is set back well north of Hardscrabble Road. We found no evidence of historic or prehistoric period cultural resources in the project area, other than a set of cast concrete steps that lead to the house that was razed. We did not treat this isolated structural feature as a site and do not consider it eligible to the National Register. No archeological sites exist within the proposed project's boundaries. Therefore, construction will not adversely impact any significant cultural resources and the project should be allowed to proceed.