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An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Euchee Creek Greenway and Trails

Report Number
Year of Publication

Cypress Cultural Consultants conducted a 44.7 acre survey for the City ofGrovetown in order to locate cultural resources eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Current plans for the tract involves the development of a greenway and trail system. The project area has been significantly impacted by historic activities. These activities include cultivation, quarry operations, clear-cutting, terracing, and sewer line installation. Three historic sites, a prehistoric site, and an isolated find were located during the survey. Two possible mill sites extend across Euchee Creek with the main portion of the sites on the west bank outside of the project area. The portions on the east side of the creek within the project boundaries are non-contributing elements of the sites due to a paucity of features and considerable site disturbance. The portion of the historic structure site within the project boundaries has been destroyed and is therefore non-contributing to the historic significance of the site. The prehistoric lithic/ceramic scatter has been heavily impacted by historic activities. It is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Thus, the development of a greenway and trail system will have no adverse effect to any properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.