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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to the SR 53 and Etowah River Road

Report Number
Year of Publication

In May, 2001 Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., conducted a Phase I archeological survey of proposed improvements to the intersection of S.R. 53 and Etowah River Road in southern Dawson County. The improvements consist mainly of adding turning lanes at each approach to the intersection and involve a slight widening of the roads for distances of about 175 m in each direction. Archival research showed that a known cemetery (Martin Family) was recorded as site 9DW87 in the northeast quadrant of the intersection and that another site, prehistoric site 9DW5, had been vaguely plotted further to the northeast. A 50 year old house site was known to have existed in the southeast quadrant. The field survey verified project plans showing that the cemetery will be completely avoided by the proposed improvements; there will be no widening or alteration in this quadrant. The survey detected no archeological materials or sites in the project area. Most of the project area is consumed by existing graded shoulders and cut banks. Because no archaeological sites exist in the area of potential effect, and because the cemetery is to be avoided, we recommend that the proposed project be granted clearance to proceed as designed.