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Slaves and Master in the Upland South: Data Recovery at the Mabry Site (40KN86), Knox County, Tennessee

Report Number
Year of Publication

Phase III archaeological research was conducted at the Mabry site (40KN86), Knoxville, Tennessee, from October 1, 1990 through February of 1991, under contract to the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The work was conducted by the Transportation Center at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. The archaeological data recovery, that consisted of the excavation of 92 sq m of archaeological deposits, backhoe trenches and systematic shovel testing, focused on the excavation of two nineteenth century slave quarters and the peripheral yard area of the razed nineteenth century George Mabry mansion. This research represents the first intensive archaeological investigation of slave quarters near Knoxville, Tennessee, and contributes to the growing literature o n slave lifeways in the Upland South. The research from this excavation provides data on slave housing, slave subsistence, material culture, and slave and master relations.