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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Construction and Operation of a new Georgia Department of Corrections Probation Detention Center, City of Baxley, Appling County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Under contract with the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC), Dames & Moore, a subsidiary of URS Corporation, was tasked to conduct a Phase I archaeological survey in Baxley, Appling County, Georgia (see Figure 1). The need for a Phase I survey came as a result of observations made during a field reconnaissance survey on April 11, 200 I. One preferred site (Site B) and three alternative sites (Sites A, C, and D) were included in the survey. The alternative sites were surveyed in the event Site B contained significant cultural materials, which would likely require substantial time-consuming archaeological mitigation efforts. Each site covers approximately 10 acres and all are within a one-half mile radius of one another. The four sites and the land immediately surrounding them have been included within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) (see Figure 2). The purpose of the survey was to investigate APE, define the nature of archaeological resources identified in the field reconnaissance survey, and evaluate identified archaeological resources under the Criteria for Evaluation for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) (36CFR60A).

The project was begun with a review of existing records, which produced no evidence of known archaeological resources within one-quarter mile of the APE. Fieldwork was initiated on June 19, 200 1 and lasted approximately two days. After initial scrutiny of the general area, it was determined that the entire APE had the potential to contain archaeological resources since historic and prehistoric materials were observed to be scattered over large portions of the APE.