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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of East Moultrie-West Valdosta Transmission Line, Brooks, Colquitt, and Lowndes Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In June and July 2000, Brockington and Associates, Inc., under contract with Georgia Transmission Corporation, conducted an intensive archaeological resources survey of approximately 37 miles in Brooks, Colquitt, and Lowndes counties, Georgia. The focus of Phase I survey was to locate archaeological sites and to determine if any were significant based on criteria used to determine their National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility. Background research revealed that no previously recorded archaeological sites are located within several miles of the project corridor. Field survey was designed to assess the potential for significant subsurface resources within the project tract. Brockington and Associates archaeologists excavated approximately 2,000 shovel tests within the project corridor. Positive shovel tests were divided into four site locales (9CQ16, 9CQ17, 9CQ18, and 9CQ19). Site boundaries were defined by additional close interval shovel testing around positive shovel tests, and interpretation of the surrounding topography. Site 9CQ16 is located on the east side of Ann McGee Road in an open field. Surface collection was conducted over the entire area. The site extends east from the road to the tree line and north-south for roughly 150 meters (500 ft). The artifact assemblage consists of a surface scatter of lithics including; chert flakes and two Early Archaic projectile points. The environment in which site 9CQ16 is located has experienced a great deal of disturbance from agricultural activities and no intact subsurface stratigraphy was encountered. Therefore site 9CQ16 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Site 9CQ17 is located south of Lawson Mill on an old logging road. The site consists of a small surface scatter of lithics. The area had recently been logged and red clay was visible on the surface. Due to extensive disturbance, site 9CQ17 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Both site 9CQI8 and site 9CQ19 are located north of Jo Stewart Road roughly 270 meters (1,000 ft) east of the East Moultrie Substation. The sites are in an open field and consist of small surface scatters of historic artifacts. The environment in which sites 9CQ 18 and 9CQ 19 are located has experienced a great deal of disturbance from agricultural activities and no intact subsurface stratigraphy was encountered. Therefore sites 9CQ18 and 9CQ19 are recommended not eligible for the NRHP. Our archaeological resources survey for Georgia Transmission Corporation located four (4) previously unknown archaeological sites (9CQ 16, 9CQ 17, 9CQ 18, and 9CQ 19). None of these sites are recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). All site locations exhibit extensive disturbance from agricultural development and logging activities. Brockington and Associates, Inc., recommends that no additional archaeological survey, testing, or mitigation is necessary within the project right-of-way.