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Intersecion Improvements in Covington, Newton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This letter constitutes an addendum to our archeological survey report for the above-referenced project, which was entitled, An Archeological Survey of Fifteen Intersection Improvements in Newton County, Georgia. The report was authored by Chad O. Braley and was dated February 21, 2002. It was submitted to the Georgia SHPO and they concurred that no sites will be affected by the proposed improvements. The addendum is prompted by the addition of one intersection and the removal of one of the original fifteen. We conclude in this letter that the improvements to the new intersection all lie within existing, disturbed right-of-way and contain no intact, significant sites. Thus, the conclusions of no effect in the original survey report are still valid.

                The intersection dropped (US 278 at SR 142, or Intersection 6), is being replaced with the intersection of Clark Street at West Street. Here, only superficial work on the pavement and electronics will be conducted (see enclosed design concept), all within existing, disturbed right-of-way (enclosed are two photographs of the intersection).

                We conclude that the proposed work at Clark Street and West Street will have no adverse effects to any archeological sites.