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Phase II Archaeological Investigations at 9FN339 in Fannin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

From August 12-15, 2002, TRC conducted a Phase II archaeological investigation in the vicinity, of Station 418 70 along the proposed Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Toccoa-Youngcane 161-kV transmission line in Fannin and Union counties, Georgia. TVA plans to construct a single-pole transmission line tower at that location, which occurs on the western edge of site 9FN339. The site was discovered during the recent TRC Phase I archaeological survey for the transmission line, and was recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D (Stanyard et al. 2002). Diagnostic evidence indicates that at least one occupation occurred during the Late Archaic and Woodland periods. The proposed tower location occurs on a modest side-slope. Phase II results indicate that artifacts are restricted to the plowzone, and no features related to prehistoric human activity occur in the construction zone. Therefore, it is the opinion of TRC that the tower can be constructed at Station 418 70 without further archaeological considerations. However, the relatively high incidence of Late Archaic diagnostic material, as well as the frequent occurrence of heat-altered and manually-transported cobbles that occur throughout the investigated area, indicate that intact features associated with that component are likely to exist on higher ground along the terrace crest. It is also possible that Woodland period features are present in that area as well. Therefore, TRC continues to recommend 9FN339 potentially eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D. It is the opinion of TRC that there will be no adverse effect to significant archaeological deposits if the tower is erected within the proposed impact area.