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Archaeological Assessment Of Jackson County Mining Corporation Proposed Smith Mine Dade County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The report contained herein has been generated in direct response to 38 Code of Federal Regulations 779.12 which is administered by the Department of Interior, Office of Surface Mining. This Code of Federal Regulations requires all applicants for surface mining permits identify all known archaeological features and any cultural or historic resources listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic places within the proposed permit area. The SMITH MINE is located in Dade County, Ga. It lies in the Appalachian Plateau physiographic province. Maximum relief in the area is 800-1000 feet. Vegetation is comprised of a mixed deciduous/coniferous forest with timber stands 28-25 years old and cropland. Riparian vegetation, consisting of small trees,' shrubs and bushes is strictly limited to perennial streams. The study area is underlain by the Pennsylvanian age Gizzard Formation which consists of interbedded sandstones, conglomeratic sandstones, shales and organics. Coal seams targeted by the operation are the Aetna and Dade coal seams. Soil types in the area are stony to sandy loams (Hartselle, Hector) located on steep to moderate slopes. It is concluded based on the enclosed data that no cultural resources or archaeological features exist within or adjacent to the proposed permit area. This assessment also found there to be no structures of any type within or adjacent to the permit area eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic places.