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Archaeological Investigations Six Proposed Wildlife Opening Expansions Smithgall Woods/Dukes Creek Conservation Area White County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Smithgall proposes expanding six existing wildlife openings. An archaeological survey of the areas was conducted on June 30, 2004 by Historic Preservation Division Staff Archaeologist Ronnie Rogers and HPD intern Julie Byrd, accompanied by Scott Bardenwerper of Smithgall. A GPS reading was taken in the road at each survey location, which had been flagged by WRD staff prior to the survey. Each area was visually inspected for presence of artifacts or indications of structures or other features. In most of the areas, there was adequate surface exposure to determine if a significant site was present, but occasional shovel tests were dug in areas lacking surface exposure, or to confirm the intensity or erosion. Most of this area has been logged over, and there is heavy erosion on slopes. One archaeological site, 063004-01, consisting of several rock piles, was recorded at Otali Lookout. The piles are probably associated with observed agricultural terraces, and are not considered significant. The proposed project will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.