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Archeological Reassessment of project STP-0754(9), Spalding County

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project was originally surveyed and concurrence received in April 2000, then reevaluated with concurrence received in January 2002. The original project proposed to construct four passing lanes along SR 155 in Spalding County. The original project, and reevaluation remain the same, except for the following: the Sihane Road/SR 155 intersection has been upgraded from a driveway to a side road, and Old SR 155 will now tie-into the new location segment of SR 155 at station 51+50.00. The existing right of-way on Sihane Road is approximately 60', with an additional 50' of right-of-way required for this project. The total project length for Sihane Road is 270'. There is approximately 100' of new location right-of-way required for the Old SR 155 tie-in. The total project length for the Old SR 155 tie-in is approximately 150'.