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Archaeolgical Survey for Proposed Intersection Improvements on Webb Bridge Road//CR 70 at Park Bridge/Shirley Bridge, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

At the request of Kennedy Engineering & Associates Group, LLC, on behalf of Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Terracon conducted a Phase I Archaeological Survey of one proposed GDOT intersection improvement (HPP-0000-00[261 ]). This project includes alignment changes, adding turn lanes, lengthening existing turn lanes, adding traffic signals, upgrading existing traffic signals and coordination of traffic signals. The surveyed intersection consisted of Webb Bridge Road/CR 70 at Park Bridge/Shirley Bridge Road in Alpharetta, Fulton County, Georgia. The fieldwork for these intersections was completed on January 5, 2005. One isolated find was recovered during this survey and was located on the northwestern leg of the intersection along Shirley Bridge Road. The isolated find had no research potential and no further archaeological investigation of the proposed project area is recommended. This report includes a description of the project area, the cultural sequence, the environmental setting, and the results of the survey.