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Archaeological Survey at Ft. Benning's Compartment W-4 Russell County, Alabama

Report Number
Year of Publication

Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), conducted archaeological survey over 191.6 hectares (ha), or 474 acres (ac), located in the part of Ft. Benning military reservation within Russell County, Alabama. The work took place between May 5 and June 4, 1993, with return visits in July and September, 1993. The survey originally targeted 177 ha (438 ac) but 14.6 ha (36 ac) were added due to Ft. Benning's in-field clarification of the western survey boundary. The study area was bordered to the north by the Chattahoochee River and to the south by Uchee Creek. Work focused on locating cultural resources, and on the evaluation of their potential for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Fieldwork consisted of pedestrian survey transects 30 meters (m) apart, with shovel tests placed at 30 m intervals along each transect. A total of 12 archaeological sites and five isolated finds were recorded and tested. The cultural materials recovered range from late Paleoindian times to the African/Euro-American period. Six previously recorded sites (lRu45, lRu58, 1Ru90, 1Ru91, lRu222, lRu224) were re-recorded either fully or partly depending on their presence in or partly within our survey. Six sites were newly recorded: lRu226, lRu227, lRu228, 1Ru229, 1Ru230, and lRu234. Existing records showed lRu43, lRu44, and 1Ru89 to be possibly in the survey area. However, these sites were not relocated, and are considered to be outside of our survey or otherwise of unknown status. Records also showed 1Ru92 to be within our survey area, but this site could not be relocated. Concerning NRHP evaluation, we recommend that one site (1Ru58) is eligible for listing in the NRHP, seven sites (1Ru45, 1Ru90, 1Ru91, lRu222, lRu224, lRu227, and lRu230) are potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP, and four sites (lRu226, lRu228, lRu229, and lRu234) are ineligible for listing in the NRHP. All isolated finds are recommended ineligible for listing in the NRHP. Avoidance is suggested for all sites recommended eligible or potentially eligible for the NRHP. Should this be impossible, alternative site-by-site recommendations are provided. In regard to sites not relocated, we believe 1Ru92 no longer exists as a verifiable presence. We recommend its trinomial designation be retired, and its area be released for any use the Army proposes. State files show 1Ru43 to be in our survey, but we believe it is outside our survey area, and no recommendations are made although this site's status needs clarification. Site 1Ru44 probably exists outside the present survey area. We suggest it would take further survey to resolve this site's existence. Site 1Ru89, at the fringe of our survey, could not be relocated. However, this site may be outside the present survey. We suggest additional efforts would be needed to clarify 1Ru89's status.