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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Widening of Oakley Industrial Blvd. from Stalwart Drive to SR 138, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This is a GDOT archaeological report short form for negative findings for a Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Widening of Oakley Industrial Blvd from Stalwart Drive to SR 138 in Fulton County, Georgia. The proposed project will upgrade Oakley Industrial Boulevard between Stalwart Drive and Jonesboro Rd/SR 138. This project proposes to widen the existing two-lane Oakley Industrial Boulevard to three lanes, with two 12-foot travel lanes and a 14-foot center two-way left turn lane. The shoulder would be a 12-foot urban shoulder with a 5-foot sidewalk. This project would tie to the new bridge over CSX railroad (GDOT Project No. STP-9379(1), PI 752980) to the west and a potential roadway extension of Oakley Industrial Boulevard across Jonesboro Rd to Flat Shoals Road to the east (ARC Project No. FS202A). The length of this project is approximately 1.71 miles. Additional ROW and/or easements needed typically would not exceed 50 feet and under no circumstances would it exceed 100 feet on either side of Oakley Industrial Boulevard. The study area has been disturbed by road construction and utilities emplacement, as well as industrial, commercial, and residential development. The study area was examined completely through a combination of opportunistic shovel testing and visual inspection.