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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Multi-Use Bridge and Pedestrian Pathway Locations, Peachtree City, Fayette County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This is a GDOT archaeological report short form for negative findings for a Phase I Archaeological Survey of Multi-Use Bridge and Pedestrian Pathway Locations, Peachtree City, Fayette County, Georgia. The proposed project would involve the construction of three asphalt multi-use path connections at a minimum of 10 feet wide in the vicinity of the CSX Railroad and SR 54. These paths would connect to two multi-use tunnels currently under construction as part of the SR 54 widening project and would also connect to a future CSX multiuse bridge. With respect to the CSX rail line, the paths are in the northeast, southeast and southwest quadrants of the intersection of SR 54. The path connection in the northeast quadrant would be approximately 500 feet in length and would begin at the east end of the future CSX multi-use bridge and connect to the entrance of a multiuse tunnel in the same quadrant. Existing right of way varies from 100 feet to 120 feet. The proposed permanent easement would vary from 118 feet to 140 feet. The southeast path connection would begin at a multi-use tunnel in the same quadrant and would extend approximately 400 feet to the southeast to connect to a retail center. The entire project area has been disturbed by mechanical means for the purpose of either road construction, residence or commercial development. The entire project area was surveyed by pedestrian inspection. No shovel tests were excavated at the pathway location at the eastern end of the project area, as these locations have been heavily impacted by prior construction.