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Archaeological Assessment of Projects NH-7174-00(900) & NH-0004-00(297)(298), Fulton County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed projects, uniformly known as the Atlantic Sation Redevelopment Project, consist of various activities such as construction of new multimodal roadways at US 41 /SR 3 and 17 th Street, ramp modifications at I-75/85 roadway reconstruction at 14th Street and new bridge construction over the Norfolk-Southern Railroad. An archaeological survey consistent with the overall project description was conducted along the entire length of the survey corridor and noted in the "Peliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Atlantic Redevelopment Project Atlanta, Georgia" prepared by Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. (December 1999). The archaeological survey located no archaeological resources, but was limited in scope due to the complete urbanization of the project area. Given this, recommendations were provided to monitor portions of the survey corridor during construction. Following the recommendations provided in 1999, GDOT added a Special Provision to the construction contract in accordance with 36 CFR 800.13(a) Planning for Discovery (see the attachment). The Special Provision stated: "In accordance with 36 CFR 800.13(a) Planning for Discovery, the Georgia Department of Transportation will ensure that an archaeologist who meets the Secretary of Interior's Guidelines for Professional Qualifications Standards supervise the monitoring of all land disturbing activities including but not limited to excavation and drilling within the proposed projects' area of potential environmental effect at the Bishop Street/Northside Drive intersection and the Fowler Street/I-75/I-85 and proposed 17th Street intersection. The monitoring will include the recovery, recording, and reporting of all subsurface archaeological features or artifact concentrations located during construction. If any such features or concentrations are located during monitoring, land disturbing activity will be halted in the immediate vicinity of the resource(s) to provide no more than five days time for the project archaeologist, in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, to evaluate their significance by applying National Register criteria, and allowing their proper excavation and recovery. The work stoppage will not exceed the minimum time necessary for completion of this work for each occurrence of significant archaeological resources. No existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were located during the archaeological monitoring within the project area of potential effect.