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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of CR 837/Sandy Flat Road at Big Indian Creek, Carroll County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would replace the bridge over Big Indian Creek with two new bridges on existing alignment. The main bridge over Big Indian Creek would be approximately 319 feet long and 30 feet wide. The overflow bridge would be approximately 90 feet long and 30 feet wide. The existing bridge contains two 10-foot existing right-of-way on CR 837 is 80 feet, with a, proposed right-of-way varying from 100 to 160 feet. Cumbie Road, located in the northwest quadrant of the project area, would be realigned approximately 120 feet to the west to avoid the guard rails associated with the new bridge. A farm road located in the southwest quadrant of the project would be relocated further to the west to avoid guard rails and allow access to agricultural fields. The existing right-of-way on Cumbie Road is 40 feet. The propose right-of-way would remain 40 feet, except at the intersection of Cumbit Road with CR 837. The right-of-way would be approximately 240 feet due to the road realignment. The farm road south of CR 837 is within the existing agricultural field property, and no right-of-way would be required. The project length on CR 837 would be approximately 2,250 feet, and approximately 300 feet on Cumbie Road, for a total project length of 2,550 feet. No existing or eligible National Register resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect.