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The Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Cartersville Water Main Corridor

Report Number
Year of Publication

New South Associates conducted a Phase I survey of the proposed Cartersville water main corridor between June 22 and 27, 2006. The corridor was located west of downtown Cartersville and was approximately nine kilometers (5.6 miles) in length. The corridor's northern terminus was located south of the intersection of Moc Johnson Road and SR 293. The project corridor then proceeded southeast along a former roadbed to intersect with an existing sanitary sewer pipeline corridor. The survey corridor was situated adjacent to this sewer line for the remainder of the corridor's length. The southern end of the survey was located along the existing sewer pipeline corridor approximately 365 meters (0.25 miles) northeast of the intersection of Douthit Ferry Road and SR 61 (Figure 1). A total of 240 shovel test pit locations were investigated at a 30-meter (100-foot) interval and were placed just outside the existing impact of the sewer pipeline. In areas where artifacts were recovered an additional 24 shovel test pit locations were investigated at a 15-meter interval (50foot). Three isolated artifact finds and three sites were identified along the survey corridor. The isolated finds consisted of prehistoric lithic artifacts. Two of the three archaeological sites recorded were prehistoric in nature. The remaining archaeological site was a historic period house site. Due to the sparse artifact density, the lack of diagnostic artifacts, and the high level of impact development has had on the soil profile observed in shovel test pits, the sites are recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The southern portion of the project corridor, from approximately 340 meters (0.2 miles) north of Sugar Valley Road to the southern terminus of the project area, is situated within the Etowah Valley Historic District, listed on the NRHP. None of the archaeological sites identified during the survey are located within this district. One isolated artifact find (IF 3) was identified within the district. IF 3 does not contribute to the overall historic significance of the district. No further archaeological investigation is recommended for the project corridor.