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Cultural Resource Survey for 6-Acres at the Hershall B. Norredd Water Treatment Plant Near Newnan in Coweta County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On May 12, 2006, TRC conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey for approximately 6 acres associated with the Hershall B. Norred Water Treatment plant on the south side of Newnan. This service was rendered under contract with Wiedeman and Singleton, Inc. The study area consists of a laydown area and pipeline corridor, both of which have been subject to previous ground disturbing impacts. One of the goals of the survey was to identify archaeological sites within the study area and provide recommendations concerning the status of each in terms of National Register of Historic Places eligibility. The survey also sought to identify and evaluate all historic structures within the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE), defined as the area of construction plus any areas where the project will alter existing topography or vegetation in view of an historic resource. Historic resources include structures or other architectural constructions that are 50 years of older. The archaeological fieldwork consisted of shovel testing, surface inspection, and photographic documentation of the project area. The historic structures survey was performed during the course of the archaeological fieldwork, and consisted of windshield and pedestrian survey of the project tract and the surrounding area. No archaeological resources were identified during the archaeological field survey and no historic structures were identified within the APE of the project tract. No further cultural resource work is recommended in advance of the project.