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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Wal-Mart Acceleration and Deceleration Lanes Project Area, Union County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project involves constructing a Wal-Mart, two driveways with associated deceleration lanes, improvements to SR 515, and improvements to the intersection of SR 515 and Kiutuestia Creek Road in Blairsville, Union County, Georgia. The proposed Wal-Mart would be constructed in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of SR 515 and Kiutuestia Creek Road. There would be one driveway that would form a T-intersection with SR 515. The westbound deceleration lane at this intersection would be approximately 500 feet and would taper back into SR 515 within 100 feet. The proposed project would include a curb cut on the west side of the proposed driveway that would tie into the existing SR 515 within 50 feet. In addition, an eastbound left turn lane from SR 515 onto the driveway and a westbound U-turn lane on SR 515 would be constructed. An additional deceleration lane would be constructed for eastbound traffic that would be approximately 500 feet and would taper back into SR 515 within 100 feet. The deceleration lane would be for traffic turning southbound along a proposed roadway the county will be constructing in the future. A traffic signal would be installed at the intersection of the driveway and SR 515. The second driveway would form a T-intersection with Kiutuestia Creek Road. The deceleration lane at this intersection would be approximately 200 feet with a 50-foot taper into Kiutuestia Creek Road. The proposed project would include a curb cut on the north side of the proposed driveway that would tie into the existing Kiutuestia Creek Road within 50 feet. In addition, a southbound left turn lane from Kiutuestia Creek Road onto the driveway would be constructed. The proposed driveway would be stop sign controlled. The proposed project would also improve the intersection of SR 515 and Kiutestia Creek Road. The project would include eastbound and westbound left turn lanes and a westbound right turn lane from SR 515 onto Kiutestia Creek Road. A northbound and southbound left turn lane and southbound right turn lane from Kiutuestia Creek Road onto SR 515 would be constructed. In addition, a traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalks would be included. Pedestrian islands would be constructed in the northeast and southwest quadrants of the intersection. All work would take place within the existing right-of-way. The Area of Potential Effect for the project includes everything within the proposed construction project length and within the maximum extent of the existing right-of-way as described above.