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A Cultural Resource Assessment of the Proposed Blackshear Cell Tower Location, Pierce County, Georgia

Report Number
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This report presents the results of a cultural resource assessment survey (CRAS) of the proposed cell tower location in Pierce County, Georgia. The project was performed at the request of Ellis and Associates, Inc., of Jacksonville, Florida. The areas of potential effect (APE) for the historical architecture survey included the tower site and a one-mile radius extending from the tower site. The APE for the archaeological survey included the tower site. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential impact to cultural resources from construction of the proposed tower. Regulations governing this effort include the National Historic Preservation Act (particularly Section 106), as amended, and its implementing regulation 36 CFR Part 800 (Protection of Historic Properties). The Principal Investigator for this project meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (36 CFR, Part 66, Appendix C). All work was performed in accordance with the Georgia Historic Preservation Division recommendations for such projects as stipulated in the Division's Supplemental Guidelines for Section 106 Review of Proposed Cellular Tower Locations. The survey resulted in the archaeological testing and historical architectural evaluation of the proposed tower site. Based on the results of this investigation, the proposed tower will have no impact upon resources either listed or considered eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.