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Phase I Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Stonecrest Bus Ride-Lot Project, Dekalb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Metro Area Transit Team contracted TRC to conduct a Phase I cultural resource survey for the Stonecrest Bus Ride Lot project in DeKalb County, Georgia. The area in question is composed of two adjacent parcels of land totaling approximately 17.2 acres. The survey focused on both archaeological and historic architectural resources. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeological resources consisted of the actual project tract where ground-disturbing activities are possible. For historic architectural resources, the APE also includes the surrounding area within view of proposed project construction. This surrounding area might be subjected to visual effects that change the landscape occupied by a historic property. A records review was conducted prior to the initiation of field investigations. No previously recorded historic or archaeological resources that could lie within the APE were identified. Four historic architectural resources were found within the APE of the project. One of these (HS-1) is in the project tract itself. None of the resources are considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. No further consideration of historic resources is recommended in advance of the proposed undertaking. The archaeological survey found no resources within the tract. Based on the results of this survey, it is TRC's recommendation that no further cultural resources investigations are warranted for the project tract.