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Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Creighton Road Tract Development, Cherokee County, Georgia

Report Number
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A Phase I intensive archaeological survey was carried out for the proposed Creighton Road Tract development in Cherokee County, Georgia. The proposed development is slated as residential. The project was carried out in compliance with Section 106 (36 CFR 800, as amended 2004) of the National Historic Preservation Act by personnel qualified under 36CFR Part 61. The project parcel is located within the rolling to heavily dissected uplands and portions of the active floodplain of the Etowah River to the north and south of Creighton Road. The survey area comprises approximately 1300 acres. The survey was conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc. of Norcross, Georgia, for Nelson-Register, Inc. of McDonough, Georgia. During the survey, Brockington and Associates identified a total of three previously unknown archaeological sites and six isolated finds. Systematic shovel and auger testing conducted by Brockington and Associates failed to locate any evidence for more deeply buried cultural deposits, particularly undisturbed cultural deposits. Based on the deflated/eroded nature of the majority of the project area (the uplands above the Etowah River floodplain) and the general lack of topsoil identified during shovel testing, it is presumed that the survey area has undergone a high degree of erosion resulting in the loss of plowzone soils and, subsequently, the destruction of archaeological deposits within the project area. Accordingly, these sites (and isolates) are recommended not eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D (data potential). Additionally, no further work is recommended regarding the sites or the isolated finds.