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Ph. I Arch. Survey of the Proposed Improvements to SR 3/US 19, Upson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is located in Thomaston, Georgia. The total project length is approximately 2.0 miles long. The existing roadway is an urban section with two lanes in each direction and a two-way left turn lane on the southern third of the project. There is one signalized intersection at Jeff Davis/Harp Road. The proposed project would widen SR 3/US 19 by adding a raised median of variable width. Turn lanes would be added at selected locations. All existing intersections would continue to tie into SR 3/US 19 at their approximate existing locations, with the exception of Delray Road. Delray Road would be realigned to intersect SR 3/US 19 opposite Jimmerson Road, and a new traffic signal would be installed at this intersection. The realigned portion of Delray Road would consist of two 12-foot lanes with eight foot shoulders (two feet paved and six feet unpaved).